Coloroid is an Android Phone game that my good friend Seppe Rousseau (programming) and I (art) made in our final year of college.

We made it for fun because we were quite passionate about mobile games at the time.


Coloroid is about saving planet earth from little colored asteroids or in other words "coloroids" flying towards it.

Your goal is to make sure no asteroid hits the earth as 3 hits will make the world shatter.

We developed the game under the name Dysania which means the state of finding it hard getting up out of bed in the morning.


All art was made with Inkscape and Gimp 2


Android market place:



I created the Logo for the company with the name 'Dysania' in mind:
"Dysania is the state of finding it hard getting up out of bed in the morning."

In Belgium the saying 5 to 12 is a playful way of describing "having to act before its too late" so we thought it would be funny to incorporate that into the logo.

All artwork and other content on this website is copyrighted ©  by Jeroen Van Hoorebeke all rights reserved